Chocolate Walk & our Friend Elmwood Bakery
So who does not like Chocolate? I do not know! At the LakewoodAive Chocolate walk everyone does. Tickets to it sold out in 3 minutes. We...

Shelter Box USA fundraiser
We all take for granted that we have a home that shelters us from the elements. Well as we know lately we have had many man made and...

Chamber of Commerce: Can Lakewood Become the Healthiest City in America?
We know how important exercise is in our lives, and we are here to tell you that riding a bike filled with goodies is a great way to burn...

Corporate Health Fair: Ross International
Its really nice when you work for a company that actually cares about your health. Thats what Ross International does. Thay have a...

Lakewood Alive Bike Education Forum
When we heard that LakewoodAlive in conjunction with Bike Lakewood, the City of Lakewood and the Chamber of Commerce were creating a Bike...

More Block Parties
Each street and neighborhood is different but what they all have in common is the sense of community. And that is what life is all about!

Soccer on Saturday Morning
So what goes better on Saturday mornings than Soccer and Popsicles? Well some would say Donuts but I think its a draw.

Block Party's
Whats more American than a Block Party. We had a lot of fun this summer rolling on up on the Bock Party's. Really, we would ride the...

Happy Birthday! Elisa
Grandma's love their granddaughters so much! Thats why we were hired to come to a Birthday party in Beachwood. Grandma wanted something...

Adult Blocktail
For years the Overlook Park Neighborhood Association has been doing an Adult Blocktail which is a unique take on the traditional block...